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✓ Answered Question Discussion Analysis PSA Verification New Info! Official News Bug Idea/Suggestion Media/Press Report All Infographics Infographic - Event Infographic - Community Day Infographic - Raid Counters Infographic - Raid Bosses Infographic - Research Infographic - Misc. Silph Road Guidelines: /r/TheSilphRoad/wiki/rules This is a place to enjoy the game and learn together while building the Silph Road network! Please click here for further information.


  • Mod Fiat - Moderators reserve the right to approve or remove any post or comment if they feel it benefits the culture and content of The Road.
  • We abide by the spirit of the game - Tools, scripts, and exploits which illicitly access Niantic's servers or offer in-game advantages to individual players are not propagated nor advocated on the Road.
  • Allowed post types: Analysis, Official news & announcements, New Info & Verification, Infographics, Questions, Media/Press reports, Bug reports, Discussions about mechanics and strategy, Ideas/Suggestions.
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    This includes, e.g., attacking someone’s identity, or spreading false information. Be mindful of other Travelers - We want this to be a welcoming and safe place for everyone and therefore ask Travelers to refrain from making statements that could in any way shape or form harm, either physically or mentally, another person.Rude, snarky, and elitist comments detract from our focus of researching and discussing game mechanics and strategy. Keep things civil and courteous - Civility to other travelers is a core value on the Road.Safe travels, friend! Comment & Submission Rulesįamiliarize yourself with our guidelines, traveler! Join us and help us build the world's most awesome network of GO enthusiasts! Then head to the Web app and authenticate with your Reddit account to be able to contribute!įinally, subscribe to the subreddit (above) and/or if you're on Twitter, follow the handle to receive updates on the Road network's development.Assign yourself the correct subreddit flair via the sidebar.Researching and discussing game mechanics and strategy.Constructing a real-world network of Pokemon GO enthusiasts.The Silph Road is a friendly, active community focused on three objectives: The Silph Road is a grassroots network of Pokémon GO™ trainers. SilphChat (Discord) Silph Road Team Bulletin: What is The Silph Road? This feature should be enabled by default, however, if it is not, or has been disabled, it can easily be turned back on via the options menu.The Silph Road's website resources are awesome again! Learn More » The 3DS Power Saves has an “auto backup” feature to help customers who may forget to backup their data before writing codes or power saves to their cartridges. The backed up save data can be restored from the “PC/CARTRIDGE” tab of the software.

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    If the cartridge is removed during the writing or reading process, save data may become corrupt or deleted. It’s advised to backup save data before applying codes, or overwriting personal save data with PowerSaves content.

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    When you wish to completely erase your save data, press D-Pad Up + B + X simultaneously from the title screen.


    Most newer games allow you to access the manual by pressing the home button on the 3DS while in game and then choosing “manual”Įrasing Your Game Save Data Pokemon X & Y: Some game titles allow you to reset your save data and start again please refer to the game manual for details regarding your specific game.

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